MixBots are the Gateway to achieving fame and fortune within Racer 1 and come with a slew of benefits from ownership. Just check out these sweet perks:
Traits & Relationship to MixMob: Racer 1:
Unlike Gen0 Masks, whose traits are purely cosmetic, MixBot traits will have in-game advantages based on the rarity of their traits and an overall trait score we are initially calling Mix Score. All B.U.B.s start with a base score of 10 for each primary stat: Top Speed, Acceleration, Durability & Willpower. A MixBot has stat differences depending on what traits exist on the MixBot. You can see these stats boosts below.
Mecha Part List:
SLUG - Top Speed +1 & Acceleration -1
HUNTR - Acceleration +1 & Durability -1
GRNT - Durability +1 & Willpower -1
WZRD - WIllpower +1 & Top Speed -1
Mutant Part List:
LZRD - Top Speed +1 & Willpower -1
FINK - Acceleration +1 & Top Speed -1
KNG - Durability +1 & Acceleration -1
MNSTR - Willpower +1 & Durability -1
For example, a MixBot with the traits of 3 MNSTR & 3 KNG will have the following stat block:
MaxSpeed - 10 Acceleration - 7 Durability - 10 Willpower - 13
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